APROP Junta Election 2025 – Final Candidates

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At the next General Assembly of the APROP Association, the Associate Members of APROP will be asked to vote for various candidates for each of the roles within the APROP Junta.

As we reported previously, the overall management structure works well, but when trying to recruit new Junta members it has become apparent that while some people may be interested in managing specific activities in the organisation, they do not want or have the time to fulfil the additional responsibilities of being a Junta member.  This has made finding new people for some roles challenging and we do not want to compromise on having the best person for the job just because it is designated as a Junta role.  As a result, people who have been appointed to functional management roles by the Junta and who want to be elected to the Junta will be entitled to put their names forward for the election, but whether or not they are elected, this will not be a prerequisite for them doing the functional role/s they have been allocated.  

To ensure that the Junta has the flexibility to include people who are currently not fulfilling one of the operational or functional roles, but have some specific skills or expertise or other attributes that will be tangibly useful to the Junta and the Association, we are also adding the possibility for two vocals (non-executive directors) to be elected to the Junta.

The diagram below provides an overview of the current structure.  Each of the roles in this structure has a clearly defined set of responsibilities and/or criteria for election.


The roles of President, Treasurer and Secretary are constitutionally required for a legal Association. These roles must all be held by different individuals and these individuals may not also be elected as Vice President.

The Vice President role will be voted in by the appointed members of the Junta from amongst their elected members. The Vice President deputises for the President and stands in when the President is unavailable or unable to perform the duties of the President role due to illness or other incapacity.


The Operations Directors for the Cat and the Dog sides of the Association have overall operational management responsibility for these areas.


These roles are appointed by and report to an elected Junta member.  Qualifying people in these roles may choose to put themselves forward for election to the Junta, but it is not a prerequisite for being in this role.


Vocals must bring some form of value to the APROP Junta by demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Associates that they can bring some relevant and tangible expertise, experience or value to the Junta that is beneficial to the Association and does not already exist in the Junta management team.


Valid Associate Members of APROP are qualified to put themselves forward for election if they have been a continuous Member for at least one year. 
Exceptionally, however, the Junta may exempt a Member from this requirement at the Member’s request, provided that positive references are available that endorse the Member’s suitability, and where the exemption is based on practical reasons that are useful for the association.  A reasoned evaluation of this shall be conducted via a procedure that guarantees the transparency and fairness of the decision taken. To this end, a representative evaluative body shall be created which shall propose a decision to the Junta and which shall be formed by the President and at least two other members appointed by the President of special equity and authority in the Association, before which the exempted member may appear for any discussion.

The candidates for each role are listed underneath the role.  Click the candidate name to see the information they have chosen to share about themselves to help you understand why they might be the best candidate for the role. Some individuals may be standing for more than one role. In such cases, please consider them separately for each of the roles that they are standing for.


Candidate 1: Moira Levy


Candidate 1: Timothy Carslake


Candidate 1: Lynda Dobson

Candidate 2: Mike Dunkley

Operations Director (Dogs)

Candidate 1: Rachel Levy

Operations Director (Cats)

Candidate 1: Elizabeth (Liz) Canham

Functional Manager (Fundraising Manager)

Candidate 1: Amber Statkeviciute


Candidate 1: David Harrington

Candidate 2: Karlijn Dueville

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