APROP Colouring Book
We are excited to share with you our unique colouring book, which is now available to all our supporters. We wanted to create something that connected us more with the younger generation, so the idea of a colouring book came up! The book is both educational, beautiful and fun! It features 12 drawings which visually depict the story of how to look after animals and the amazing work we do at APROP. All the cats and dogs drawn in the book have spent time at APROP, their photos appear on the back cover of the book, so you can more easily identify them.
Meet Matilda, the illustrator

The drawings are the creative output of an APROP supporter Matilda, who at the age of only 13 has an amazing talent for capturing the fun personalities of animals in her drawings. Matilda and her family have been friends of APROP for many years, since they adopted PENCA a beautiful Podenco from us back in 2017. Matilda’s unique drawings can also be seen at her Instagram and Facebook pages “Portraits of a shelter dog”. We are of course so grateful to Matilda and in awe of her talent, and inspired by the impact her creativity is having on helping cats and dogs lead better lives!
What are we wanting to achieve?
Our mission is to reach as many people as possible with this book (one of the reasons it’s in 3 languages, Castellano, English and Valenciano). We hope that this simple colouring book will help educate the next generation to the importance of treating animals how they all deserve, whilst having some fun along the way. In the short term the money from the books will go towards helping the sick and abandoned animals in Pego. In the long term we hope the message inside the book will help the dog and cat owners of tomorrow understand how to better care for their pets. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just impact the lives of a few animals, so that they did not suffer in the first place.
We are asking for a suggested donation of €5 for each book. They will make wonderful gifts, we hope you agree. Remember, every euro donated will go towards helping the cats and dogs under the care of APROP.
Where can you get your copy from?
Locally, the colouring book is available at the following outlets:
PEGO – Nexo Vets and ALMA Charity Shop, or pop into the APROP shelter
ORBA – The Corner Shop
JAVEA – Salamandra Charity Shop and The Laundry Basket and Heaven Boutique!
We plan to expand this list of places where you can get your copy, including offering opportunities for people in other countries to order a copy online, watch this space!
A THANK YOU to our Sponsors
These first 400 copies of the colouring book have been very generously sponsored, so that the production costs are covered. We would like the mention our sponsors here. First ALMA Children’s Charity in Pego. Another local charity doing amazing work to support the local community. Second, a private sponsorship donation received in memory of a special friend and supporter of our work. Heartfelt thanks to all our sponsors.
If you would like to sponsor the next edition of the book, please get in touch with us.