Conans corner

Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers – your friendly bard, visionary and patriarch here again.

Well, you know there’s a saying in England that it’s “raining cats and dogs”?  I’ve never understood it but literally this month it has rained kittens!  Well, one kitten – Claude and I looked round one morning and a tiny stranger was in our midst.  And eating our food.  Naturally this cannot be allowed so we went over to see it off and found out it was a very feisty tri-colour girl.  Of course we are gentlemen first and foremost, so we let the kitten have some more food and then she was up the fence, though the most TINY gap in the roof – and away!  Well, we just looked at each other.  Claude suggested we might climb the fence and inspect the escape route but then we looked at the size of ourselves and realised that no gap would be big enough (the disadvantages of our physiques being rubenesque).  We alerted the Authorities to the situation of course.

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Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers, apologies for my column’s delay but I am happy to let you all know that my life is currently pretty marvellous in the smaller of the garden pens despite earlier misgivings and hence my grumpy introspection has decreased a notch as a result – Claude and I have bonded over our shared love of catnip – he had never had it before but now is equally obsessed with the stuff, it’s magic!  I have requested we have it every day but am yet to hear back from the authorities.  I might have to proposition Bomber Command on the subject.

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Conans corner

Garden Improvements

Welcome back dear readers.  It’s been such a traumatic week, I cannot tell you.  Therapy might even be required.

Firstly I had the indignity of being chased out of my garden – yes I know!  Apparently it’s going to be tiled to make cleaning easier.  Therefore we had to vacate and move in with the residents in the next garden.  Several stand-offs occurred.  Still, it gave me a chance to inspect the quality of their toys, cat-walk and general facilities.  I was pleased to note that their food was the same ie, not better than ours.  I have been supervising the tiling of course. Hope it’s not too cold under my bottom? That will need to be addressed urgently if so.  One garden is already tiled and the other one is well underway.  However, I found the sofa on the first day and have decided to take that over, assert overall authority and stay in this garden – I will now be accepting sofa sharing applications.

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Conans corner

New Arrivals and Cushion Update

Welcome back dear readers.  Apologies this column is slightly late, Sam has been in the UK seeing her mum (I know – who could possibly be more important than me, but apparently, she is …).  I’ve had to dictate this over the phone which is hard when you have no thumbs.  Sam says she’s sending back something for the shelter – she then laughed in, what I can only call, an evil manner.  Watch this space.

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Conans corner

Adoptions Update and Personal Heartbreak

Welcome back dear readers … to the wonderful world of Conan (ok, and others)

Well, what a trauma this week has been!  I have gone from grumpy introspection (my default setting), passing nimbly through rage and ending up in FURY!  Why, you might ask?  Well, I will tell you.  Somebody, who shall remain nameless, advertised my gorgeous Silver on Facebook for adoption, she was immediately spotted and she’s now gone to a new home.  I am bereft and heartbroken!!  Sam has offered to bring me a cat nip stick to make me feel better – it will take much more than a poxy stick, woman!  I was thinking more along the lines of a tray of Kimba and a bumper pack of Catisfactions.  I felt so faint that I could hardly eat more than three quarters of my breakfast.

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