Flying Fleeces and Podencos in Scotland

Looking for that smart coat for your dog and want to help the shelter dogs in Spain? Look no further than Flying Fleeces (as modelled here by our very own Echo and his brother Diego)…. We are just so proud of this boy (and of course his owner Emma too!).
Choosing to buy a coat from Flying Fleeces will help other dogs just like Echo. He was tied to our shelter gate a few years ago …beacuse people like you gave their precious time and money, he found a new life in the UK…and he now leads a pretty awesome life I can tell you!
So please become a follower of the Flying Fleeces Facebook page @flyingfleeces and send them a message. Buy to Fly …. made to measure coats for dogs. All proceeds now going to help rescues in Spain who are sending dogs to Scotland for adoption.
You might have guessed it … yes, we at APROP are sending some of our precious Podencos to Scotland now (where they need coats!!!) …. through our partnership with Podencos In Need – Scotland (PINS). Flying Fleeces has been created by the same wonderful person who runs PINS. We are so grateful for partnerships like this … working together for a better world for our dogs. So come on, do your bit … get your dog a new wardrobe for the Autumn …. and in turn you are helping a lot of other dogs get the chance at a better life.