Kitten fosterers needed
What could be more appealing than a cute little fluffy kitten? But sometimes we have too much of a good thing and at APROP we are absolutely flooded with young kittens all of which need special care.
Kitten season has started and kittens have started to arrive at APROP. They are of varying ages but are all too young to go to permanent homes just yet. I have no doubt that we will see many, many more before the end of autum, but our amazing team of foster carers are already running out of capacity to foster any more at the moment.
This is a challenge as young kittens need specialist care and supervision and the APROP shelter is not an appropriate or healthy environment for them. Young kittens need a warm, dry environment, regular feeding and toileting and constant monitoring and socialisation, which is impossible for us to do properly in the shelter. But, if we can’t place new kittens into appropriate foster care we sometimes have no choice.
If you would like to foster kittens for APROP we would love to hear from you. It is helpful if you already have experience of rearing very young kittens, but not so necessary for looking after older kittens.
For more information call APROP on +34 611 08 50 24 or email us at
To see why some of our volunteers find fostering so rewarding follow this link in our website: