Volunteer Profile
John Durrant
Joined September 12, 2021
Junta Member, Treasurer
Biographical Info
John – I am married to Christine, who is currently a dog walking volunteer having been on the cleaning/feeding roster for several years along with various other roles. I served in the military for 20 years, during which time I ranseveral different accounts of a financial and/or administrative nature, before retiring due to health problems. So we have lived and worked in many countries before ending in Spain. We have lived in Pego for 22 years, with our 3 dogs, all from LAPs/APROP, and we have several street cats that feed/sleep on our property. For the past 22 years we have been involved with the rescuing/trapping/sterilizing and re-homing of dogs and cats in and around Pego with LAPs, APROP and their predecessors.
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