Vote for APROP Internal Regulations

As a comparatively young Association we have done a lot of work over the past eighteen months to ensure that there are sufficient guidelines and processes in place so that the organisation can run efficiently and fairly.  This is an on-going process. 

Last year we encountered a situation that was not covered specifically by our Association Statutes, and for which we had no protocols or guidance in place.  As a result, we took legal advice on how to respond. 

What we learned is that the Association Statutes document is very generic and that it is normal practice for an Association to create Internal Regulations. These regulations act as an addendum and/or overlay to the basic Association Statues, providing more detail, guidance and clarity that is specific to each Association. 

You can read the Association Statutes by clicking the appropriate link below.

APROP Estatutos (ES)

APROP Association Statutes (EN)

In October we drafted our own set of Internal Regulations to clarify a number of points within our very generic Association Statutes. You will see that the proposed Internal Regulations are generally aligned with the existing Statutes but merely add more detail in order to clarify what is meant or provide additional guidance in case of any ambiguity. In other instances they augment, but do not fundamentally change, the sense of the Statutes as they currently stand.  For ease of reference the relevant Articles from APROP´s statutes have been included in appropriate sections in the document.  There are also a few additions that are not mentioned in the Statutes relating to Financial management, Publicity & Social Media and Complaints.

To ensure our proposed regulations would be clear and would not contravene any of the legal rules associated with Associations, we asked a lawyer to review them. Unfortunately it took longer than anticipated to receive his final approval of the document, so we were not able to finalise this process in 2022 as we originally expected.

You can read the new proposed Internal Regulations by clicking the appropriate link below.

APROP Reglamento Interno 01 2023 (ES)

APROP Rules of Internal Regulation 01 2023 (EN) (589 downloads )

Associate Members are now being asked to vote on whether to accept these Internal Regulations alongside the existing Statutes. The proposed Internal Regulations give greater guidance around some areas that were previously vague or not covered by the Statutes and will make some aspects of the management of the Association easier and more transparent.  For this reason Members are encouraged to vote to accept them. 

An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on 1st February 2023 at 7pm at the Espai Veinal in Pego, at which the votes will be counted to determine whether the Internal Regulations will be approved. 

To ensure that as many Associates as possible can participate, you can vote online using the form below.  Alternatively, if you prefer, you can vote in person at the meeting.

If any Associate Member has any comments or questions or would like a discussion to clarify anything about the proposed Regulations, please either contact a member of the Junta directly or send an email to

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